The UK government’s Department for Transport (DfT) has launched a £750,000 (US$960,000) round of funding…
Search Results: skill (294)
Airport commercial planning consultancy CPI is offering two professional development programs that will enable airports…
Manchester Airports Group (MAG), the operator of Manchester, London Stansted and East Midlands airports in…
Western Sydney Airport (WSA) is upskilling nearly a third of the workforce (30%) involved in…
More than 1,200 primary school children from 15 schools across Sussex, Surrey and Croydon are…
Changi Airport Group (CAG) has announced plans to commit S$10m (US£7.2m) over two years to…
The independent Heathrow Skills Taskforce has published a series of recommendations that could help the…
The Heathrow Skills Taskforce has opened a six week, UK-wide online forum to gather independent…
In partnership with the technology companies A1 Bulgaria and Wings ICT Solutions, airport operator SOF…
Passenger screening and x-ray image interpretation at aviation checkpoints were the focus of an Organization…