Columbus Regional Airport Authority (CRAA), the operator of Port Columbus International Airport in Ohio, USA,…
Search Results: restaurant (847)
Recently named as Airport of the Year for the sixth time at the 2016 Skytrax World Airport Awards, Singapore Changi Airport shares its top 10 things you might not know about the airport.
Airport operator Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited (YACL), a subsidiary of Myanmar-based conglomerate Asia World Company…
Over the past six years Tampa International has gone from a declining business to one that is posting double-digit passenger growth. The airport’s CEO, Joe Lopano, tells PTW the secret behind its success
Left: Design rendering of the Book & Bourbon Southern Kitchen dining conceptGlobal restaurateur HMSHost and…
Restaurateur SSP America has been contracted to open four new concessions at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International…
Concessionaire SSP America has opened a new Italian restaurant in partnership with TV chef Fabio…
Airport operator Winnipeg Airports Authority (WAA) and restaurateur SSP America have officially opened a series…
Food and beverage operator The Restaurant Group (TRG) has today (March 3) opened the world’s…
Airports Council International (ACI) has announced the winners of the 2015 Airport Service Quality (ASQ)…