Food and beverage operator SSP Group has been awarded a five-year contract to operate three…
Search Results: partnership (1464)
Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, and Joe Biden, vice president of the USA, have…
Restaurateur HMSHost has opened a new restaurant called the Dallas Cowboys Club at Dallas/Fort Worth…
ARK Development, a subsidiary of real estate firm Racebrook Capital, has begun constructing a luxury…
Left: Signing Ceremony for MOU between CAG and Xiamen AirlinesAirport operator Changi Airport Group (CAG) and…
SSP Hong Kong, a subsidiary of concessionaire SSP Group, has been awarded a six-year contract…
Airport lounge specialist No.1 Traveller has launched a new partnership with UAE carrier Etihad Airways…
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands has adapted its smartphone app for use on the…
Construction work has started on the new Terminal 2 (T2) building at Mactan-Cebu International Airport…
Changi Airport in Singapore was voted first in the world’s top-10 best airports for baggage…