Proximity marketing and near field communication (NFC) specialist Proxama has partnered with airport advertising firm…
Search Results: communication (413)
UK airport marketing specialist Eye Airports has launched a campaign on behalf of technology developers…
Miami International Airport (MIA) has contracted for an additional 44 self-service automated passport control (APC)…
Passengers in the US rank time-consuming baggage and security procedures as the top areas for…
The Department of Transportation and Communications for the Philippines (DOTC) has reached an agreement with…
The first phase of enabling works are underway at Bahrain International Airport as part of…
Passenger Terminal World speaks to Kevin O’Sullivan, lead engineer for SITA Lab, about how beacon technology is gathering pace and is helping to shape the passenger’s airport experience
Niall MacCarthy (far right), managing director at Cork AirportCork Airport in Ireland has revealed its…
Mohammed Fouz, CEO of Smartworld, talks to Passenger Terminal World about smart systems and how they are helping airports keep pace with the rapid growth of passengers in the UAE
Over 30 new speakers have been added to the Passenger Terminal Conference since the publication…