Search Results: changi (569)

James Berry, director and global aviation and transport sector leader for Woods Bagot, explains the thinking behind his recent white paper on the changing face of the airport landside interchange 

A consortium consisting of Basic Element, Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and Changi Airports International (CAI) recently won the operating rights for Vladivostok International Airport in Russia as part of a US$109m deal. Andrey Elinson, deputy head of Basic Element, talks to Passenger Terminal World about the acquisition and the consortium’s plans.

Passenger Terminal Today speaks to Simon Scott, head of international business at Leslie Jones Architecture, about the airport retail experience in Dubai and the company’s appointment to the Al Maktoum Airport design team

Following news of Eye Airports’ £8m (US$12m) Redefining Airports investment, Passenger Terminal World caught up with Ged Weston, sales director for the UK’s airport advertising experts, to find out how this project will affect airports and improve the digital out-of-home advertising landscape