Gainesville Regional Airport has received a grant from the FAA for its upcoming 15,200ft2 commercial terminal expansion. The US$12.1 multi-year grant, the largest received by the Gainesville Alachua County Regional Airport Authority, will be distributed over a two-year period, in FY2019 and 2020.
The airport’s CEO Allan Penksa said the grant will make it possible to continue to meet its passengers’ desire for convenience and ease of travel at the growing North Central Florida airport.
“GNV is very grateful for the awarding of this generous grant, the largest ever received by the airport authority,” Penksa said. “The FAA Airport Improvement Program Grant will allow us to expand in ways beneficial to our flying public by adding two gates to better accommodate larger aircraft now in service and increasing flight frequency.”
The expansion project will include new gates and enhanced customer amenities, including larger restrooms, a second food and beverage area, a mother’s lactation room, a prayer/reflection room, possible child’s play area and an outdoor pet relief area.