The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has launched the Remote Identity Validation Rally (RIVR), a series of technology challenges running throughout 2025, in partnership with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Homeland Security Investigations Forensic Laboratory and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
In 2024, DHS S&T completed the Remote Identity Validation Technology Demonstration (RIVTD), which found that while some remote identity validation technologies can perform well, commercially available products vary significantly. Based on industry performance demonstrated in RIVTD, S&T has set robust benchmarks for RIVR. The new evaluation series challenges industry to deliver secure, accurate and user-friendly remote identity validation technologies to combat identity fraud when users apply for government services, open bank accounts or verify social media accounts.
S&T and its partners will evaluate the ability of systems to authenticate identity documents, assess the “liveness” of selfie photos and evaluate identity verification using images taken with smartphones and similar devices.
“For many years, we have been relying on S&T’s scientifically rigorous and independent testing of our identity technology and processes,” said Jason Lim, TSA identity management capability manager. “TSA is very pleased to once again partner with S&T on the continuation and expansion of this effort to ensure that remotely enrolled digital identities meet our threshold of trust, security and privacy as the use of digital IDs, including mobile driver’s license, continues to expand.”
Technology developers of remote identity validation capabilities are encouraged to participate in these first RIVR efforts, which will focus on testing the performance of systems matching “selfies” to identity documents and determining the authenticity of identity documents. Applications for new participants are due April 11, 2025.
Additional technology evaluations will be announced later this year.
From May 7, 2025, residents of every US state and territory will be required to present a Real ID-compliant driver license or ID card, or another form of ID accepted by TSA, to board federally regulated domestic flights.
In January 2024, DHS S&T issued a call for remote identity validation technology. Read more about it here.